Crochet Rose Granny Square for an Afghan or Baby Blanket

Crochet Rose Granny Square for an Afghan or Baby Blanket


To make this granny square, use the crochet rose from my previous post.

But when you stitch your rose together, make sure the last layer has 8 petals!

Click here for Crochet Rose pattern and tutorial.


Attach green to middle dc of rose petal.

Round 1: ch 2, dc2-tog cluster (counts as 1st dc3-tog cluster), (ch 3, dc3-tog cluster, ch 3, dc3-tog cluster) all in same dc where yarn was attached, ch 5, sc in middle dc of next petal, ch 5, *(dc3-tog cluster, ch 3, dc3-tog cluster, ch 3, dc3-tog cluster) all in middle dc of next petal, ch 5, sc in middle dc of next petal, ch 5* around; join with sl st to top of 1st dc3-tog cluster. Fasten off, hide yarn tail.

Attach white yarn to middle cluster on the corner.

Round 2: ch 4 (counts as 1st dc and ch 1), dc in same dc where yarn was attached, 3 dc in next ch-3 space, {6 dc in next ch-5 space} twice, 3 dc in next ch-3 space, *(dc, ch 1, dc) all in top of next dc3-tog cluster, 3 dc in next ch-3 space, {6 dc in next ch-5 space} twice, 3 dc in next ch-3 space* around; join with sl st to 3rd ch of beginning ch-4. (80 dc)

Round 3: sl st in next ch-1 space, ch 4 (counts as 1st dc and ch 1), dc in same ch-1 space, dc in each dc across to next corner, *(dc, ch 1, dc) all in ch-1 space of next corner, dc in each dc across to next corner* around; join with sl st to 3rd ch of beginning ch-4. Fasten off, hide yarn tail. (88 dc)

Attache green yarn in the corner ch-1 space.

Rounds 3: ch 4 (counts as 1st dc and ch 1), dc in same ch-1 space, dc in each dc across to next corner, *(dc, ch 1, dc) all in ch-1 space of next corner, dc in each dc across to next corner* around; join with sl st to 3rd ch of beginning ch-4. (96 dc)

Rounds 4: sl st in next ch-1 space, ch 4 (counts as 1st dc and ch 1), dc in same ch-1 space, dc in each dc across to next corner, *(dc, ch 1, dc) all in ch-1 space of next corner, dc in each dc across to next corner* around; join with sl st to 3rd ch of beginning ch-4. (104 dc)

Fasten off. Hide yarn tails.

Crochet Rose Granny Square Afghan, Baby Blanket, Free Pattern and Video Tutorials

Crochet Rose Granny Square Afghan, Baby Blanket, Free Pattern and Video Tutorials

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